Behind Mrs & Mr. Recyclage, two independent recycling experts
Take advantage of our ability to integrate different issues to learn about the future of recycling. Faced with the conformist discourse where recycling is the alibi for throwaways, we are keen to expose the limits and challenges that tomorrow's companies must respond to.

M. & Mme Recyclage, a company with a mission
Our mission: to share our knowledge.
In a world where the amount of single-use plastic waste is constantly increasing, everyone must have access to plastic waste. the knowledge necessary to develop critical thinking and be able to participate in the preservation of the environment in one's personal and professional decisions.
Thanks to the advice and training we provide, we create content and distribute it with open access. Our purpose: to provide the keys to understanding the environmental impact of our waste to everyone.
Our prizes & distinctions
Our Team
Our journey and thoughts in podcast
En image : Recyclage en action
Visionner le reportage National Geographic
de notre mission de recyclage au Tibet
featuring Jackie han
Nos témoignages
With the support of